The amazing team behind Drone Security Services.

Tony Slavin

CEO Pilot

I bring over 40 years of business experience to our Global Drone Pilot business. Our website is geared to helping drone pilot companies and small businesses increase their sales and market exposure!

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Linda Watson

Operations Manager

Linda has 30+ years experience in Administration and Operations and brings a multitude of relevant skills valuable in running the core areas of our operations. 

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Tech Support

I am have been working the Team since 2007 and have a vast knowledge base in web design, program coding and scripts.

Scott Nancekievill

Tech Support

I have been working with Tony since 2006 and bring a varied array of web and graphic design skills to the business. I continually strive to be on the cusp of design technologies so that we are the best out there. I am an active member in a number of design forums as well as continuously maintaining an education profile to make sure our clients are getting the best solutions possible. We strive to be fast, efficient and reliable for all our clients. Work with us and you will benefit from our many years of experience and dedication. With a focus on design and the visual aesthetics we will ensure your project is done right.

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